Vice President
LPL Financial Advisor
Fax: (573) 634-0816
700-B Southwest Blvd.Kevin J. Fick
When investing, try to consider a few basics: your goals, your risk tolerance, and whether you need quick access to funds. Goals can include retirement, college savings, or plans for a well-deserved trip abroad. For your risk tolerance, will stock market fluctuations drive you to make immediate changes to your portfolio, or will you let it ride? And lastly, consider whether you want to keep liquid funds available for emergencies, unforeseen expenses, or a vacation. I look forward to visiting with you, hearing about your experiences, and discussing what you’d like to accomplish. Together, we can design a game plan and have periodic huddles to make adjustments.
I’ve been with Jefferson Bank for over 6 years, previously as the IRA & HSA Administrator. I advised and assisted customers with rollovers, transfers, contributions, and distributions. I earned the CISP designation (Certified IRA Service Professional) from the American Bankers Association in 2020, and I stay current with continuing education. In 2021, I joined Investor Services as a Financial Advisor. I earned my Series 7 and Series 66 securities licenses, as well as Life & Health insurance. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from Mizzou, I have a diverse professional background, and I look forward to seeing how we can work together.
I’m a father of four and a 20-year resident of Jefferson City. As time allows, I enjoy time with family, rock concerts, mixology, comedy, outdoor activities, St. Louis Cardinals baseball, KC Chiefs football, and Mizzou sports. Stop by the bank and say hello!
Securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA/ SIPC. Insurance products offered through LPL Financial or its licensed affiliates. Jefferson Bank and InvestorServices are not registered broker/dealers and are not affiliated with LPL Financial.
The investment products sold through LPL Financial are not insured Jefferson Bank deposits and are not FDIC insured. These products are not obligations of Jefferson Bank and are not endorsed, recommended or guaranteed by Jefferson Bank or any government agency. The value of the investment may fluctuate, the return on the investment is not guaranteed, and loss of principal is possible.
The LPL representative associated with this website may discuss and/or transact business with residents of all states and the District of Columbia, except DE, ID, ND, RI.