5 Tips to Stick With Your Resolution in the New Year

It’s called a resolution for a reason. Committing your mind and body to achieve a specific goal throughout the entire year can seem like an impossible feat. However, as the saying goes: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Make your New Year’s goal achievable with these five tips.
1. Start with a list. Sit down and think of what you’d like to accomplish in the coming year. From there start a list with each of those goals, making sure that they are concrete and specific. For example, “Learn something new” isn’t a very specific goal. Instead a goal such as “Take a cooking class at the recreational center” is more detailed plan for you to accomplish as a resolution.
2. Be realistic. When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, it’s best to keep your goal realistic. Life keeps you busy and an easy excuse when it comes to following through is more than often – time. So when planning resolutions, make sure your goal is doable for YOU.
3. Stay positive. It’s a resolution for a reason, if it was easy, you would already checked your goal off the list. The expectation of a New Year’s resolution can hold you more accountable. However, when or if the time comes when you experience your first failure, like skipping that afternoon workout or going out for dinner twice in one week, it is okay. Don’t let that first defeat stop you from continuing on with your resolution.
4. Find a support system. Find a resolution buddy to help you power through your goal and keep you motivated when you feel like quitting – like a work out buddy but for resolutions. Be supportive through the tough times and praise each other with the victories.
5. Plan ahead. It’s important to plan as early in the new year as you can. Being prepared before January 1st will increase the likelihood that you will be able to uphold your resolution. For instance, if you want to include morning runs in your routine, set your alarm at the time you will need to get up to run and be ready for work two weeks ahead of time. That way when it comes time to start running in the morning you will already be acclimated to waking up earlier than your normal routine.
If your New Year’s resolution includes your finances, it can be important to track your progress to ensure you’re setting a realistic goal. Online financial management tools, such as Money Manager, allow you to do this automatically through a Savings or Payoff Goal. You can even set up alerts to notify you as you surpass new thresholds. Set yourself up for success and get started today!