Six tips for downsizing your home
Whether you want to have a more minimalistic lifestyle, or you’re nearing retirement and just want to get rid of the clutter, downsizing your home can be a lot of work. There’s a lot to consider between choosing furniture and sorting keepsakes, so here are a few tips that could make your downsizing process smoother.

1. Spring into action early.
The longer you wait to start the downsizing process, the harder it is to start it. This is especially true for older generations who are slowly losing their ability to do physically taxing jobs. Even if you're taking small steps, like going through one box a week in your attic, it's still proactively moving in the right direction. Sit down and plan a time frame to get everything done that works best for you. Having a physical list you can reference may make you more motivated to move everything along.
2. Look at the big ticket items first.
It's not really practical to have three dining room tables, so if you've noticed you have enough table space to dine with an army, you may consider just keeping one. In most cases, those larger items don't have as much sentimental value unless they were passed down through the family. Additionally, if you sell those bigger items, you can use the money to pay down debt or contribute to a smaller house's mortgage.
3. Remember, every box matters.
The easiest way to begin downsizing your home starts in the attic. It's important to go through every box so you aren't missing anything that you know you won't ever use again. It will be a lot easier getting rid of things that have been in the back of your mind, like boxes in the attic, rather than items you encounter in your living room every day. Additionally, starting off with old boxes in the attic will get you in the groove of letting things go. This will make it easier for you to make the tougher decisions later in the process.
4. If you haven't used it in the past 365 days, you probably won't use it again.
Much like cleaning out your closet, downsizing your home is centered around the “one-year rule.” If you haven't used it or thought about it in the last year, you're probably safe to take it to Goodwill or sell it on a garage sale. It's that simple.
5. Re-gifting is always an option.
If you're no longer attached to that old snow globe your grandma gave you but don't want to see it leave the family, you may consider re-gifting it to one of your siblings or children. That way, it will stay in the family and you don't have to feel guilty about getting rid of it.
6. Technology can be really useful.
If you find yourself going through boxes and boxes of documents and photo albums, technology will be your best friend. While it's understandable that some images are far too important to scan onto your computer, it would really save a lot of space to upload those not-so-precious documents to your desktop. If disaster were to strike, such as a fire or flood, having your images and documents backed up to a “cloud” would be a lifesaver.
Don't let the downsizing process stress you out. You're nearing a huge milestone in your life, and you should celebrate accordingly.