Your household guide for spring cleaning

Spring time is here! And besides the birds chirping, longer days, and the general sunny disposition… the time for your spring cleaning regiment has arrived too!

Close up of hands spraying cleaning solution on a table

Springtime is here! And besides the birds chirping, longer days, and the general sunny disposition… the time for your spring-cleaning regiment has arrived too!

It may be your least favorite part of spring, however starting off the season of new beginnings with a clean start will set you up for success for the future. But determining where to start can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve come up with a guide to help you succeed at cleaning your house from room-to-room.

First things first:

Cleaning your home is a large undertaking, so it’s important to remember:

1. Have your checklist in hand. Working off a list will keep you organized and on-task, but most important is the sense of accomplishment that comes with crossing items off your list.

2. Steady supplies. We aren’t advising you to splurge on a bunch of cleaning materials. However, it’s important to be sure you have the basics to get the job done; a broom, vacuum, paper towels and cleaning solution should all be on your shopping list if you have yet to purchase these items for your home.

3. Start with a positive mindset. No matter the task, if you start in a bad mood, you’ll be less likely to complete it. In making plans to clean your house give yourself enough time to see it through from start to finish, that way you won’t feel rushed to complete it. It also helps to mentally pump yourself up with some music, adding a little entertainment into the mix will make cleaning go by much faster.


The Family Room

Clean any washable blankets and pillow coverings

Vacuum off any rugs in the living room and hit the spots under the furniture

Clean out the fireplace flue (if applicable)

Organize or toss any unnecessary clutter

Wipe down windows, countertops, and cabinets

Hallways/In-between Spaces

Dust off blinds and ceiling fan blades

Use a rag to wipe and polish the walls, getting rid of any scuff or dirt marks

Shampoo/vacuum the carpeted floors

Clean the windows

Clean out the heating and cooling vents using your vacuum

Wipe off the window frames

The Kitchen

Mop any tiled floors and wash any backsplash

Clean the grout of any tiled surfaces

Vacuum/dust behind large appliances

Discard any expired food from your shelves or fridge

If possible, thaw out your freezer and give it a good wipe down

Clean out the oven, looking for any burnt buildup or crumbs

The Bedroom(s)

Air out and flip the mattress(s)

Replace the sheets with clean, lighter ones in preparation for summer

Organize clothing, donating anything that you no longer wear

Dust off any shelves, photos, or trinkets

The Bathroom

Organize your drawers and linen closet

Throw out expired cosmetics, medicines, and unusable towels

Update your first aid kit with any needed items

Clean off the mirror

Wipe down the toilet and shower with a diluted bleach solution or other cleaning solution

Though you have a lengthy task ahead of you, the reward of a clean house and a fresh start this spring will have all been worth it in the end.

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